EcoFlow Extra Battery Compatibility Matrix

Extra battery compatibility is a complex topic despite the fact that many extra batteries and solar generators share the same XT-150 connector. For the most part, extra batteries only work with their main unit:

When the DELTA 2 and the DELTA 2 Max were released, EcoFlow did something interesting with the extra battery situation, allowing some mixing and matching of extra batteries and solar generators. The DELTA Pro 3 can use both the DELTA Pro extra battery and the DELTA Pro 3 extra battery, though in practice mixing two different battery sizes causes sequential draining and filling of the different battery types. With the introduction of the DELTA 3 and DELTA 3 Plus, EcoFlow also added the ability to add the mighty DELTA Pro 3 Extra Battery for a whopping total 5 kilowatt hours of capacity with the solar generator and extra battery.

RIVER Series

AcronymRP EBR3+ EB300R3+ EB600
ConnectorDsub 7w2TBDTBD0
RIVER ProRP thumb_up thumb_down thumb_down
RIVER 2R2 thumb_down thumb_down thumb_down
RIVER 2 MaxR2M thumb_down thumb_down thumb_down
RIVER 2 ProR2P thumb_down thumb_down thumb_down
RIVER 3 NewR3 thumb_down thumb_down thumb_down
RIVER 3 Plus NewR3+ thumb_down thumb_up1 thumb_up2

1 RIVER 3 Max = RIVER 3 Plus + EB 300
2 RIVER 3 Max Plus = RIVER 3 Plus + EB 600

DELTA Series

AcronymD2 EB D3 EB
PK 2kwhPK 5kwhW1 EBW2 EBBLADE EB800w
ConnectorXT-150XT-150XT-150XT-1504+84+8 4+84+8XT-150XT-150XT-150XT-150
DELTA Mini thumb_down thumb_down thumb_down thumb_down thumb_down thumb_down thumb_down thumb_down thumb_down thumb_down thumb_down thumb_down
DELTA (1000) thumb_down thumb_down thumb_down thumb_down thumb_down thumb_down thumb_down thumb_down thumb_down thumb_down thumb_down thumb_down
DELTA (1300) thumb_down thumb_down thumb_down thumb_down thumb_down thumb_down thumb_down thumb_down thumb_down thumb_down thumb_down thumb_down
DELTA Max (1600)DM thumb_down thumb_down thumb_up thumb_down thumb_down thumb_down thumb_down thumb_down thumb_down question_mark thumb_down thumb_up
DELTA Max (2000)DM thumb_down thumb_down thumb_up thumb_up thumb_down thumb_down thumb_down thumb_down thumb_down question_mark thumb_down thumb_up
DELTA 2D2 thumb_up thumb_up thumb_up thumb_up thumb_up1 4 thumb_down thumb_down thumb_down thumb_down thumb_up thumb_up thumb_up
DELTA 3/3 Plus NewD3/D3+ thumb_up thumb_up thumb_down thumb_up thumb_up1 4 thumb_up thumb_down thumb_down thumb_down thumb_up thumb_down thumb_up
DELTA 2 MaxD2M thumb_down thumb_down thumb_up thumb_up thumb_up1 4 thumb_down thumb_down thumb_down thumb_down thumb_up thumb_down thumb_up
DELTA ProDP thumb_down thumb_down thumb_down thumb_down thumb_up thumb_down thumb_down thumb_down thumb_down thumb_up1 2 thumb_down thumb_up1
DELTA Pro 3 NewDP3 thumb_down thumb_down thumb_down thumb_down thumb_up thumb_up thumb_down thumb_down thumb_down question_mark thumb_down thumb_up1
Power KitsPK thumb_down thumb_down thumb_down thumb_down thumb_down thumb_down thumb_up thumb_up thumb_down thumb_down thumb_down thumb_down
Power Kits 5kVA New thumb_down thumb_down thumb_down thumb_down thumb_down thumb_down thumb_up thumb_up thumb_down thumb_down thumb_down thumb_down
Power Kits PowerDock New thumb_up thumb_up thumb_down thumb_up thumb_up thumb_up thumb_up thumb_up thumb_down thumb_down thumb_down thumb_down
WAVEW1 thumb_up thumb_up thumb_up thumb_up thumb_up1 question_mark question_mark question_mark thumb_up thumb_down thumb_down thumb_down
WAVE 2W2 thumb_up thumb_up thumb_up thumb_up thumb_up1 question_mark question_mark question_mark thumb_down thumb_up thumb_down thumb_down3
BLADE thumb_down thumb_down thumb_down thumb_down thumb_down thumb_down thumb_down thumb_down thumb_down thumb_down thumb_up thumb_down
Smart GeneratorSG thumb_up thumb_up thumb_up thumb_up thumb_up1 question_mark question_mark question_mark thumb_down question_mark thumb_down -
800w Alternator Charger800wAC thumb_up thumb_up thumb_up thumb_up thumb_up1 question_mark question_mark question_mark thumb_down thumb_up3 thumb_down -
  1. Requires an XT-150 to 4+8 adapter (a.k.a EcoFlow DELTA Pro to Smart Generator Adapter)
  2. Disables AC output while WAVE 2 battery is plugged in
  3. Can charge the WAVE 2 battery but cannot power the WAVE 2
  4. Main unit discharges first and charges last. Not supported by EF but seems to work. Use at your own risk

DPU - DELTA Pro Ultra

The DELTA Pro Ultra is a completely new design which comes with a 5+8 battery connector which is incompatible with any of the DELTA extra batteries in the table above. These work at a completely different voltage from the rest of the DELTA series so you cannot plug any of the other DELTA extra batteries into a DPU.

BLADE EB - an Interesting Surprise

There is this little surprise of an extra battery, the BLADE extra battery, which looks like a DELTA 2 that has no display, no USB ports and is weather resistant. There isn't much information about this other than a product page and a tutorial video (Youtube). It has an XT-150 port and a special PV input port (this might be the same port that is used on PowerStream - only folks on the other side of the puddle can get this) with adapters that allow you to power a BLADE base as well as charge it with the BLADE power supply. According to the video can also act as an extra battery to a DELTA 2 or use a DELTA 2 as an extra battery.

Can a solar generator become an extra battery to another solar generator?

One question that is often asked is whether you can plug two DELTA Pros together or a DELTA 2 to a DELTA Max with extra battery cables to get one to work as an extra battery to the other. The answer is a definitive

Only extra batteries, Smart Generators, or WAVEs can be connected to the extra battery ports. You cannot plug a solar generator into the extra battery port of another solar generator.

Note, there are ways to get two DELTA Pros to work together, but that is using a Double Voltage Hub with a Victron AutoTransformer or a Smart Home Panel in 120v mode... a discussion for a future article.

Bottom Line

Most extra batteries only work with the same-named solar generator or smart device, but there are just a few exceptions. Then there is this little surprise of an extra battery, the BLADE Smart Extra Battery, which looks like a DELTA 2 that has no display, no USB ports and is weather resistant.

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Published: October 7, 2023